National Education Framework For Multifunctional Devices and Digital Transformation Solutions
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Lot 2 of the framework provided a compliant and proven route for Craven College to access a much-needed IT upgrade.

Craven College went through a tender process utilising the National Education Digital Transformation Solutions Framework which is contract managed by Dukefield Print Solutions. The Help Desk service provided by Dukefield Print Solutions supports customers with using the framework and running a further competition. With guidance from the Help Desk, Craven College went out to tender through the framework’s lot 2 and Apogee were awarded the contract to provide an outsourced managed IT service.

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The Sand Academies Trust used Lot 1 of the Multifunctional Devices and Digital Transformation Solutions Framework to lease 8 photocopiers with a managed print solution.

The Trust found that quotes they received from the suppliers on the framework were competitively priced compared to quotes obtained prior to using this framework. The trust managed to save a total of £16,000 over a 3 year contract and a further £3,000 in click charges using the new supplier which they found through using the framework.

 I would definitely use the framework again. Having used CPC many times before, I found this a welcome return to my usual procurement process. The framework made the process much simpler and enabled the trust to gain access to the best possible range of suppliers as well as competitive pricing. 

Sand Acadmies Trust

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The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) is a Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust, comprising four secondary and six primary schools. The Trust recently replaced its existing document print solutions through the National Education MFD framework, which is also listed as part of the DfE Deals for Schools.

The framework provided easy access to a dedicated help desk which provided the Trust with support in terms of supplier pricing evaluation and any technical requirements for machines.

 We are extremely pleased with the level of support we received from the Help Desk. The level of technical knowledge and support allowed us to select the best solution for us and it was a pleasant experience transacting through the framework overall. 

The Howard Partnership Trust

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St. Luke’s CEA Primary school recently replaced 22 machines through the National Education MFD framework which is listed on the DfE recommended frameworks. The primary school successfully procured new machines with an improved specification and at a competitive price.

 Throughout the entire process of renewing our machines, the framework helpdesk was extremely helpful. She provided us with a comprehensive spreadsheet of information that allowed the school governors to make an informed decision on a cost effective solution for our school! We are very pleased with the support we have received from Kath via help desk! 

St. Luke’s CEA Primary School